Allerg-Ease FAQs

Should I Treat My Dog’s Allergies With Supplements?

Supplements can be beneficial for dogs with allergies, but may not be as effective as medicinal treatments in some cases. If your pet has mild allergies, it may be a good idea to try different supplements and see what works. If your dog has severe allergies causing discomfort, it is better to see your veterinarian first and start treating symptoms. Once the symptoms clear up a little and your dog is experiencing less discomfort, you can then try using supplements.

Are there any supplements that my pets can take to help with seasonal allergies? 

Certain supplements may be recommended by your veterinarian, depending on what type of allergy your pet has and the severity of the allergy. Probiotics, omega fatty acids, Vitamin E, biotin are among some of the things that may help decrease the amount of inflammation throughout the body, normalize the flora of the skin and gut, and lead to a decreased histamine response. This, in turn, would help decrease the itching and discomfort your pet may face from their seasonal allergies.

Why would I need a supplement if my pet is eating a healthy, balanced diet?

Pet foods today can provide balanced nutrition, but some pets could be lacking certain nutrients or ingredients in their diet due to a medical condition, their age, or their breed. Supplements can help provide some of these nutrients to pets and promote better health.

Are pet supplements made for life-long use or should I just use them once in a while?

Some supplements may be for temporary use, to get through a condition or health issue, but many supplements can be used on a regular basis for health maintenance. 

How long until I see results from my pet supplements?

Different supplements may have different lengths of time before you see the results from them. Some supplements may only take a few days to see results, while others may not show results until after a few weeks of use. You should check with a veterinarian or the manufacturer of the supplement for expected length of time before results should appear.

Can supplements be used with other supplements and medications? 

It’s always best to check in with your veterinarian before you give your pet multiple supplements or medications concurrently. Most supplements that are food-based are safe and can be used with other supplements and medications. You should check with your veterinarian if you are concerned about giving supplements with specific medications. 

Can these supplements be used for cats?

Unfortunately, our supplements are currently only for dogs. Cats and dogs process supplements differently so it is not recommended to give your cat these supplements.